About Us
Inblick Östeuropa is a non-profit online magazine based in Uppsala, Sweden. It started as a student magazine at the Department of East European Studies at Uppsala University in 1999. Many leading researchers and journalists have published articles in Inblick Östeuropa.
The aim is to highlight, as far as possible, the entire geographical area, which still often is called “Eastern Europe“. Another aim is to choose topics covering society, economy, politics, history, and culture. You will find in-depth articles e.g on conditions for democracy, historical processes, and/or ethnic conflicts.
There have been many people who have been part of Inblick Östeuropa editorial staff through the years, but still, some people need to be mentioned specifically: Johanna Melén, Tomislav Dulic, Linda Källman, Elisabeth Sandberg, Nejra Milisic and Teresa Vihtma.

An article in UNT (Upsala Nya Tidning) 1999.